Faces This is something I have been working on for almost a year when I had some spare time. I am not sure how long it took, but definitely somewhere in hundreds of hours of pure work. One of my goals when I decided to make this thing was to paint a something more detailed and time consuming than anything I have done before. What I wasn't planning was to exceed all my other works by a factor of ten in those respects though. My other goal was to create something I can hang on my wall that I could point at as a legitimate proof of my insanity. There are 209 characters including the really small ones( I think), have fun trying to spot everyone. This is available as a print and various other forms at: http://www.redbubble.com/people/augustinas/works/15985798-faces?ref=recent-owner
You Can Never Have Too Much Bicep
Implantation. For personal game project Human Upgrade Labs
Designing characters with over the top hairstyles is a bit of a theme for me. It's fun, it's an easy way to add some variety and the possibilities are endless. This one is definitely the most ridiculous though. I painted this fro a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs and this image will serve as a base for a puzzle where you have to sneak some observation drones past this artificially created sentinel monster. The hair are supposed to be various sensors covering the entire region. Also this is one of those painting that I had brewing in the back of my head for a long while but i kept postponing because I wasn't sure if my skills were where they need to be yet. It's always a bit intimidating to start on a larger, more complicated piece, but in the end I'm quite happy with the result. And here's the game this painting will go into: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
This is one of those paintings where it took quite a few months between when I had the idea and when I started painting. I wasn't sure if I could paint this decently enough and it needed to marinate in the brain for a bit.
Another one of my little experiments I like to make in my free time. I say little, but it did take me approximately twelve lifetimes to paint and I did leave the idea for this marinate inside of my skull for months because I wasn't sure if I could paint this decently in the first place. I wanted to paint a bunch of people in unusual poses and I wanted to try out the fish eye lens perspective and this was the result. It probably goes without saying that I couldn't really find reference even close to the people in this painting so I tried to pay close attention to general anatomy references and hopefully I didn't go too much into nonsense anatomy this time( I have absentmindedly drawn six fingered hands in the past). The exact poses were largely the result of me wanting to cover all the bits that would make this a nsfw painting, so that was a sort of interesting puzzle to solve.
Well, it's not an actual alien child, actually. I painted this for a personal puzzle game project called Human Upgrade Labs which takes place in far future where extreme body modification is almost casual, even for children and pets. The idea is that the mother here is influenced by ancient fashion and from their perspective the Victorian times and the later half of 20th century when the gray alien look became popular are so close together that they kinda blend into the same thing. A lot of misinterpretation can happen in thousands of years and digital media doesn't exactly tend to be preserved as well as stone tablets either. Here's a link to an early but fully playable version of the game: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
I've been adding more character customization to a personal game project of mine called Human Upgrade Labs and I think the best way to share some of that is in a form of a gif. Strangely this is not the protagonist of the game, but the the guys you through various tests/minigames that make up the entire game. The game is available here for free: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
Now what? You find yourself stuck in some forest, with all of your organs stolen and replaced with the cheapest robotic parts possible. You may be a cyborg now, but only by the technical definition. Your limbs move, but barely, and you're pretty sure that if you trip, you won't be able to get back up. This crappy machinery might keep you alive for a couple days max. What to do, what to do? I painted this guy for fun. I wanted to practice some texture painting with the scuffed metal and I wanted to draw a robot guy. Combine those two things in a jar, let them marinate for a bit and you get this. By the way, check out the game I might or might not use this character in - Human Upgrade Labs. It's already available for windows for free. The game is not finished, but even this version has 13 completed levels and I am constructing more of them: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
I have a desire, no, a need, to draw some robots. So instead of drawing other stuff I was supposed to draw for other game levels, I prioritized drawing this guy instead. Oh, well, this is for a personal game project, so it doesn't matter that much and there are no deadlines, so I can mix stuff around. I plan to have this guy as one of the interactable characters at some point. By the way, a fully playable version of this game - Human Upgrade Labs is already available for windows for free. The game is not finished, but even this version has 13 completed levels and I am constructing more of them: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
A little character I painted for fun and will probably use in a game I'm making. Sometimes gross is beautiful.
Here's something I drew for a personal game project called Human Upgrade Labs. It's used in a mini game where you have to sort out the separate images into the working gif. There are four of these transformation gifs in all and this is the only one that is cartoony/animeish. I have this whole thing in the game where one country is obsessed with cartoons and emulates the cartoon look in real life using futuristic hand-wavy technologies and this gif is connected to that part of the game. Here is a non-final, but fully playable version of the game for pc: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
A little something I painted for a client's board game set in Dante's Inferno. This will serve as part of the character board where you place cards, dice etc. Check out the project: https://gamefound.com/projects/top-decker/forsaken-dante-inferno?ref=search Also check out my personal project. It's a scifi themed puzzle game for now available for free for windows on itchio: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/human-upgrade-labs
I needed four faces to represent four categories for a personal game project: bio, robo, mostly bio and mostly robo.
Something I painted for fun. I wanted to paint a portrait using more realistic brushes I have in Corel Painter. I haven't gotten used to these brushes completely, but they are quite fun to work with. They really do feel pretty close to physical paint, reminds me of when I used to paint using gouache. Since I wanted a slightly futuristic character, I though it would be fun to include some sort of robotic animal so I chose an ocelot kitten. Why that? Because I remembered that episode of Archer with an ocelot named Babu, or something like that, when I was sketching.
Something I drew for fun. I wanted to make some very stylized, almost logo-like designs. Each of these characters has a matching item from a collection I uploaded earlier
Some random character sketched out for fun. There is this thing where a lot of the time a finished drawing looks less "fluid" or just less good than the quick sketch from which it started. I'm sure some of you can relate. So I was trying to still make fairly loose sketches but add enough detail to make them somewhat presentable. These characters are much closer to how I usually sketch, but I never end up sharing that part of the process. I might use a couple of these for a more finished thing at some point. Or not, who the hell knows
A little something I painted for a personal game project. This would be not the main character( which I haven't designed yet, because priorities), but the second protagonist. Or villain. We'll see. I also started drawing quite a few cloth options for this guy. Fancy coats, stupid hair, a robotic lemur companion, that sorta thing. I wanted to make a sort of mini game where you get to customize your torturer( ahem, scientist in charge"). I will probably share some of those once the game making progresses a bit more. It's turning out to be a surprisingly fun part of the project, especially having in mind that I started making it because I wanted to paint some dumb hairstyles. Speaking of games, check out my personal game I finished already. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
A little experiment I painted in my free time. I used to paint in a much more angular style years ago, just because I didn't know any other way at the time, and I wanted to see if I can paint something along those lines now.
He knows too much. It's not healthy for him. This is something I painted for a personal game project. I thinking of including a sort of quiz segment and I needed someone to ask the questions. Check out another game I finished recently. It's a little puzzle game called Dream Mechanic available for free for windows here: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Wolf Huntress, Bookish Barb, Starving Demon, Blob Some characters ideas I sketched out for fun. They have nothing to do with any project, but I might make a full painting or something if I end up liking some character way more than others.
This another illustration for a personal game project I'm making in my free time. But also this is an exercise in how realistically I can paint a portrait. Usually I paint in a semi- realistic style, I guess, and I don't use specific references for characters, only the general ones for anatomy and such. For max realism this time I needed a picture to work from and since I don't have an old man on hand to annoy about this, I ended up pulling a picture from one of those free to use picture sites for reference.
People will start exploring some questionable fashion choices if and when advanced cybernetics and gene modification come into play. And if you think that some of these options are too strange and impractical to actually wear in any conceivable situation then I implore you to take a look into current high fashion situation. It’s a complete circus already, you can literally find people wearing inflatable pools trying to look nonchalant. I recently finished a little puzzle game of mine called Dream Mechanic( available for free for windows here, by the way: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic ) and I wanted to explore some character concepts. I’m not entirely sure if I will end up using this in some manner to expand that game or if I will use it in another game idea I have, but in the meantime it’s fun to play around with some costume designs. So I made a base and drew some designs with the vague theme of futurism in mind.
The game is complete and available for free, for windows on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic This is, I believe, the last character from a personal game project of mine called Dream Mechanic that I still haven't shared. The game is full of characters strange in different ways and for this one I wanted to go a bit abstract and geometrical. There is a reason why he looks more like a logo than a living person, but I want to leave those details to be found out in the game itself.
Something is watching him. He is not entirely sure what exactly, but he knows someone is and he will do his best to protect himself. Admittedly his best isn't much. This is a character I painted for a personal project, a little puzzle game. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Another character for my game Dream Mechanic. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Some characters I designed and illustrated for a client, for a game project called Lovecraft: The Musical, a tentacle opera.
Another, this time extra creepy character I painted for a personal puzzle game project called Dream Mechanic. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
The Woman With Shiny Dreams. This character is for a little puzzle game I'm making for funzies. The game takes a place in a secluded town that is full of people mutated in unusual ways and this is one of them. Initially I just wanted to paint a shiny character and the idea eventually evolved into this.
Is he a man, is he a machine? Is he a ghost or a robot or a spirit of his own future self? No one knows for sure, but one thing we do know is that he has strong opinions about unimportant topics and he will tell you about it in detail. This character is for a little game I'm making for fun.
This character is for a little puzzle game I'm making for in my free time. The game takes a place in a secluded town that is full of people mutated in unusual ways and this is one of them. Check out the game so far on itch.io: https://ultra-shenanigans.itch.io/dream-mechanic
Here's another character for a game I'm making in my free time. I wanted something creepy, do you think it's creepy enough?
This another illustration for a personal game project I'm making in my free time. This time a bit body horror themed.
This is a character I painted for a personal game project, I wanted to make this one slightly creepy and disturbing. The game takes place in a town full of people mutated in strange ways and I made up quite a few characters for it by this point.
I painted this illustration for an upcoming online novel The Pilgrimage by John Holowach.
I painted this for a personal game project, Dream Mechanic. I need a bunch of illustrations for it which will be used to depict various character's dreams and I'm trying to make all those illustrations as different as I can. I don't exactly draw photo realistic characters all the time, but I also rarely venture into the highly exaggerated, cartoony proportions territory, so I thought that would be fun to try out.
This is a character for a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of people mutated in various strange ways.
This is a character for a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of mutated people and this this one's is slowly turning into a pixelated version of herself.
This is a piece of artwork I made for a personal game project. This is going to serve as a dream of one of the characters and each of these dream images will be turned into a sort of a puzzle. The idea is to make all the dreams as different as I can. Almost all characters in the game are transformed or mutated in some way and this dream image is for a character who is slowly turning into pixels. I would show the character design, but I haven't drawn her yet, because doing things in order is for wimps, and for people who plan out things better for me. The idea is that this dream is a warped memory of how she started turning into her pixelated version. Also I thought it would be interesting to incorporate some pixel art into a painting.
This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of mutated people. This one has been turned into a rather demonic looking creature, but he is actually quite chill and nice to hang out with.
This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of mutated people and this one has it pretty bad. Here entire body has fully transformed into paper.
This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The game is about a town full of mutated people and this guy's mutation manifests as skulls. That is, every part of his body is slowly turning into skulls and having a liver in the shape of cow skull can't be healthy. The problem that being a giant Edgy Mc Edge Goth Guy to begin with, he kinda likes it. Also if he spills his coffee, the stain will be in a shape of a skull; If he tears his pants, he will tear it in a shape of a skull etc...
This is a character portrait I made for a client, for a fantasy game project. Once again the design itself was mostly up to me as long as it fit into the story. This character is meant to be a government official ( of some sort or another).
Egyptian Priestess This is a character portrait I made for a client, for a fantasy game project. The design was pretty much up to me as long as it was somewhat Egypt themed and this was one of the ideas I had.
This is a character portrait I made for a client, a fantasy game project. The design was pretty much up to me and one of the ideas I had was to draw a man with a lightning scar on his face. Scars similar to this are actually sometimes left on people who survive lightning strikes and I have been thinking that that would be a cool motive to use for a character for a while.
This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. This would me the main character, the one the player takes control of.
Neon Skies This is something I painted for a personal game project I'm working on in my spare time called Dream Mechanic. This image will serve as a dream for one of the characters and a sort of puzzle will be made from it to be solved. I decided at the beginning that I want to make this image very colorful and bright. At some point towards the end of painting it the question of whether this was colorful enough arose and to solve that I looked at a mirror. Only my left eye was bleeding and not that much, so clearly it wasn't yet. I continued with my abuse of RGB color pallet.
This is a character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. Almost all characters in the game are mutated in some manner and I decided that I wanted one character to be basically made from plants. So this is the result.
This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. The idea here was to have character who decided to get cyborgized and decided to keep his face looking as it did before. You know, for sentimental purposes.
The Fabled Cloud Man This is another character from a game I'm making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. In the game there are no normal humans, it's about a town where everyone is transformed in one way or another and this is one of those weirdos.
A character I designed and painted for a client, inspired mostly by Aztec civilization.
This is a character from a game I started making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. I needed a character that would be a priest of a small cult/religion thing that is all about music and this is what I came up with.
This is a character from a game I started making, a personal project where I make absolutely everything myself. I only started on it, only the basics are there, but I can finally start with some artwork, unlike my two first attempts at making games, this one will involve a lot of it. In the game the environment and the characters themselves are being transformed in various ways due to dreams becoming real and effecting them in different ways. This character in particular is a bit of a hoarder and refuses to leave her home for any amount of time because she is afraid of leaving her stuff.
Girl and Her Favorite Toy
Sky Serpents This is a little drawing I made in my spare time for funzies and giggles.
Lockmouth isn't happy, his cyber-surgeon messed up another operation and this one was meant to fix a previous mess up. There's a lesson for you, kids: get stuff like this done by professionals, not by suspicious people wandering around with scalpels. Knitting helps him to relax and there will be a yarn shortage if things continue like this. Lockmouth's friend Sweethtooth doesn't' sleep much. Spiders keep crawling into his mouth.
So I have been practicing drawing and designing characters recently in my spare time and this is a personal painting as well. I don't know, drawing an overly fancily dressed woman with a couple pet monkeys sounded like a good time to me. Also if you unfolded that umbrella it would be of a size appropriate for the beach, but you can't argue with accessorizing.
You might say that the work voyeur isn't the most suitable description for a man whose favorite thing to do is to stare at space through a large telescope, but you might change your opinion if you knew with what passion he does his thing. At the moment he's observing some rather unusual meteors, but you might catch him examining all sorts of things, as long as they're in space. That's the important bit. So I have been practicing drawing and designing characters recently in my spare time and this is a personal painting as well. One reason is because characters inevitably come up in games and I have been trying to make simple games for fun. Here is my second attempt, a game I just recently published on google play(it's a game for android phones). Check it out: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AugustinasRaginskis.RankUpgrade
Deep Disappointment Have you ever been so disappointed and frustrated with a project that you would just rather blow everything up and start over? I have, I threw away many a work in progress over the years. I'm sure my neighbors are glad I have no easy access to high explosives. So about what failed invention is this particular inventor so disappointed about? Well it's hard to say exactly, the notes are filled with stuff about cold fusion and the perfect blueberry pancake recipe. I'm sure we can all agree that either one of those would have been a great improvement to the overall quality of life of the whole humanity.
I have been focusing more on environmental art in my actual work and such and I want to get better at characters, that would be really neat. So this is just something I drew for fun. I started by asking myself a deep philosophical question: if there was a guy who could punch you through a tank, how would he look? And this is what happened.
I'm making a little game for Android( personal project), and these are some of the assets I just finished for it. A lot of the game is about upgrading the character and the weapon, and these are the first nine character versions. And this is only the start. There are over 20 character upgrades overall and I have the rest all sketched out and already incorporated in the game as temporary assets. It gets pretty ridiculous.
Librarian So I would like to be better at painting characters and this is a bit of practice. For once I drew something just because and not for work or some bigger project I was working on, a much needed change of pace.
Children Entrancement This is an illustration I recently did for a client which will be used in a horror game. Basically in this scene children are lured away from their homes by the bad guys. Using a fancy horse drawn carriage among other things. ©Lucid Soul
Last Supper Gluttony This is an illustration I recently did for a client which will be used in a horror game. It is, quite obviously, based on the last supper painting except that there is nothing holly about this dinner and the guy in the middle is the boss of the game. The game has many influences and there are a lot of creepy elements, which is right up my alley. I won't say more, the game is still in development. ©Lucid Soul
Time Assassins They hate time so much, they came to kill it. For once not a client work. I wanted to do some character practice, so this is what happened. Not the weirdest thing I did I guess. These characters are also available on T-shirts and other cool stuff. Check that out NOW damn it!! http://www.redbubble.com/people/augustinas
Line Girls So here is another little experiment. This one was fairly quick to make, but still, if I got used to this style I could probably make it four times as fast as I did, as I definitely took not the fastest way of doing things. First I drew the faces in three shades of grey, then I covered the middle and darkest shade in vertical lines( I had to do a lot of erasing and going carefully over every line, because the base drawing wasn't precise enough so that I could just select what I needed and fill it in with a nice clean pattern). After that I did the same with the darkest shade of grey and horizontal lines and played with color variants for probably half an hour line a real pleb. Still, this is rather minimalistic, so it was the fastest of the experiments so far. This is available on t shirts, phone cases and can probably be printed on your dog as well if you really wanted to at: http://www.redbubble.com/people/augustinas/works/22194668-line-girls?ref=recent-owner
Monarchs Another experiment. I don't know what the hell I was doing, I just wanted to do some spray brushing so this is what happened. I use spray brushes quite often in my work, but this was drawn entirely with the basic round brush, pretty much the stuff you use when you open Photoshop or a similar program for the first time and have no clue about what the hell you are doing.
Triangle People During my work I am not always able to experiment as much as I would like either to do with various constrains that come with each project or simply because the stuff I want to draw at the time has nothing to do with anything at all. So that means that it is time to screw around with different styles and designs. Here are five characters I drew just for fun while trying to draw using styles and designs unusual to me, more mostly random experiments to come. This is available in various print forms like posters, phone covers and flasks( I might have made the last one up) at http://www.redbubble.com/people/augustinas/works/20363049-triangle-people?ref=recent-owner
"Hat Man" You think you’re fancy? Cha! The Hat Man loughs at you. Imagine how much effort it takes just to prevent this kind of hat from collapsing.
"Mutation Fairy" With her happy-go-lucky attitude, her dapper dress and a missing tooth, mutation fairy flies all around the place and with gleeful joy pulls supernumerary digits, suspicious growths and all kinds of fun clinical disorders from her numerous pockets. She is a generous creature indeed. She gives out mutations to anyone and everyone without paying attention to the time of year, whether you have been good or bad, your age or where you live. Sooner or later she will visit you and in all likelihood will keep on visiting again and again. If you’re lucky, you might get something what doesn’t do much harm or might even be slightly beneficial, like a sixth finger, but you will probably end up with a whole plethora of hereditary diseases including several forms of cancer.
"The Infamous Contrast Brothers" A pair of notorious bandits who are known for spreading fear, destruction and confusion everywhere they go. Mostly known for spreading confusion, though.
"The Girl Who Sneezed Ghosts" An unpleasant yet amusing condition.
"This Race Is Unfare" In the future sports will be very different. Once biomechanically enhanced humans come into the field, no amount of fancy shoes and leg shaving will be enough to fill the gap between them and regular athletes.
"Dandy Man" You know that you're fancy when instead of a pug or a small poodle, you carry around a duck billed platypus.
Modern Day Shaman
Living in a Swamp
In Color He Trusts
Butterfly Man
"Robot God - Trinity 2.0" In the world of robots even gods are elected through wotting. The difference from the normal wotting system familiar to us is that robots are rational and always elect an individual who is actually the most suited for the job, as opposed to most prominent and charismatic as we usually do. In this case however, there were three exceptional robots equally appropriate to become gods of robots. It was decided (though another wotting) that the best solution is to combine the three candidates and create a single superior machine. Thus a new magnificent creature was born and adorned with wires and screws which have gone out of use ages ago, but still exist as symbols of robotics. It was then given the title of trinity 2.0
"King Claudius the Unforgiving" This man has a name that suites him. He owns a pet rabbit and drags it along everywhere he goes for the sole purpose of having something to be angry at. If the rabbit does nothing annoying or infuriating enough, the king can always be angry at it for not living up to the expectations of an animal which is the symbol of his family. Rabbits name is Charles by the way. Another item the king never leaves his castle without is the collection of weapons which he gathered by taking a single piece from every enemy he has ever slain. He started this collection in order to never forget his enemies and never forgive them, even long after all of them had gone. Because of this the amount of weapons he is carrying around is starting to get ridiculous and the weight increases.
"Insane Warriors – Shark Wielding Robot" There is a battle going and the goal of the people involved is not as much to win as it is to amuse themselves. And what is more amusing than insanity? Here we have a robot whose choice of weapon in a shark that has been set on fire. Why such strange and unusual weapon? Because. These people are crazy, they can’t be reasoned with. Though, there is a twisted logic behind this decision. A huge part of a battle is mental warfare, scaring and confusing your enemy and a robot running at you at full speed and swinging around a burning shark is sure to perplex anyone.
"Idiotic Battle Strategies" I guess you could say that this was inspired by the stupidity that I observe in daily life. The goal that I had in mind was to throw away logic and sense of perspective and just have fun with this painting. That goal was achieved.
"Evil" This image was designed to temp you into the mindset of evil. When I say you, I do not mean a hypothetical person, I mean you, the person who was just looking at this picture and is now reading this sentence. If you just for a second though that this image is cool or interesting, my job is done. From now on you will slowly get more and more fascinated by the strange, dark and macabre, your way of thinking will gradually change without you even noticing and it is now just the matter of time until you reach the conclusion that good and evil are just concepts and when nothing really matters at all. Welcome to the other side, let’s have fun.
"Lady of the Dreams" The newest attempt in my never ending mission trying to create something badass. The title is kind of a lie though, as for once I didn’t come up with this while half asleep, but while sketching. Lady of the sketches sounds stupid, so this is what you get.
"Flesh Ball!!! (Why Is Everything Alive?)" When I started drawing this, this seemed like fun goofy idea, but as I continued working on it, I started thinking that this could easily be considered horror or even gore. If I didn't use such bright colors and didn't put a smile on the characters face, it would definitely be some kind of horrible competition to the death. However, I still view this as a fun image, or is it just me and I'm even weirder than I thought?
The Candle Man
A Man of Style
"Infinite Hairstyle" Our friend here has a little problem: he is an owner of a hairstyle that is literalry infinite( well at least nobody was able to find where it ends). His hair always points exactly upwards from earth no matter what position this man takes. It also forms itself around obstacles so he doesn't get stuck in trees while walking along the road and such, however, he is incapable of fully closing a door when he walks into a building, because the hair is in the way. Also there are some less obvious problems. This man is banned from getting anywhere near to any airport as his hair might intersect with the path of an airplane and jam it's engines. And of course, scientist keep bothering him with the proposals of installing a miniature lift onto his hair and using it as a space elevator to send supplies to space with small costs. This quickly gets annoying. On the other hand, his hair made him quite a celebrity and he stared in a few reality shows.
A Little Cyborg Called I don't Care

Work in which characters are the main focus.

Augustinas Raginskis
Illustrator/ Designer Kaunas, Lithuania