A practical sheet that makes it easy to identify the tracks of 36 common animals, such as badger, bear, beaver, cat, cow, crow, dog, duck, eagle, ferret, fox, frog, gerbil, goat, hedgehog, heron, horse, lynx, marten, moose, mouse, otter, owl, partridge, pig, pigeon, rabbit, raccoon, rat, sparrow, red deer, roe deer, sheep, squirrel, weasel and wolf.
? Posters: Posterlounge [EU]
? Postcards: Artflakes [EU]
? Products: Søciety6 [US]
? More: Redbubble [EU+US]
Part of Lily Lux Notizbuch
Iris Luckhaus & M. Klesse
Gebunden, 192 S., 12×16 cm
Cadeau bei Hoffmann & Campe
978-3-455-38032-3, € 15,00
Via bookstores or Amazon
Also published in:
Waldstück Magazin (4/17)
SZ Familie Magazin (01/18)
Lernposter der Landesforsten

A practical sheet that makes it easy to identify the tracks of 36 common animals, such as badger, bear, beaver, cat, cow, crow, dog, duck, eagle, ferret, fox, frog, gerbil, goat, hedgehog, heron, horse, lynx, marten, moose, mouse, otter, owl, partridge, pig, pigeon, rabbit, raccoon, rat, sparrow, red deer, roe deer, sheep, squirrel, weasel and wolf.
? Posters: Posterlounge [EU]
? Postcards: Artflakes [EU]
? Products: Søciety6 [US]
? More: Redbubble [EU+US]
Part of Lily Lux Notizbuch
Iris Luckhaus & M. Klesse
Gebunden, 192 S., 12×16 cm
Cadeau bei Hoffmann & Campe
978-3-455-38032-3, € 15,00
Via bookstores or Amazon
Also published in:
Waldstück Magazin (4/17)
SZ Familie Magazin (01/18)
Lernposter der Landesforsten