Animal Trail Quiz (Hidden Tracks)

Together with professional tracker Stefanie Argow (Hidden Tracks), I’m currently working on a more detailed version of my simplified animal tracks and trails.

For Stadtwildtiere, a citizen science project for urban wildlife by Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), we designed a quiz for events, with the trails of some of Berlin’s wild animals: fox, squirrel, hedgehog, raccoon and wild boar.

Clients/Publications: at Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Research Association Berlin

Design/Illustration: Iris Luckhaus
Scientific Guide: Stefanie Argow
Production/Photos: Jan Axtner

»Wissenschecker« at FEZ Berlin

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Iris Luckhaus
Freelance Illustrator + Designer (MoD) Wuppertal / Berlin, Germany