Delta College Ducks mascot and identity

Delta College, a leading community college located just outside Bay City, MI, has been known as "The Pioneers" since its establishment in 1961, but has never had an official mascot. This past year, Delta renamed themselves "The Ducks," and enlisted our help to develop a mascot and strategic brand.

Students are seeking a sense of belonging and identity while at Delta. Thus, the goal was to create a mascot that connects with students, faculty, administration, and alumni as a rallying point who personifies Delta’s Pioneering Spirit.

We worked closely with Delta's Marketing Director to develop a fully-actualized character, complete with a backstory, personality profiles, and various situational personas, that inspires students to embrace and display their inner Duck, no matter where they migrate next.

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Freelance, Full-time
Jon Stapp
Founder, Creative Director Baltimore, MD