Technical Glass Products. Ad concepts for Brandner. I incorporated some 3D objects of the products I designed in Strata 3D. My role: Art Director/Designer. Project created at Brandner Communications.
City of Tacoma - Bike Safety Campaign. The City of Tacoma took a big risk on these racy ads, but we were thrilled and welcomed the controversy in order to help people remember to ride safely. The campaign made it to just a few applications--sadly, Pierce Transit modified the ads for their buses and made them much tamer. Nonetheless, the message made it out there “Ride Safe Tacoma”.. My role: Art Director/Designer. Project created at Rusty George Creative.
Charles Wright Academy - Enrollment Campaign. We enjoyed the tour of Charles Wright Academy which helped us understand our new client and its’ needs -- for new enrollments. This led to a whirl-wind photo shoot, intense strategy sessions, and parent focus groups. The results brought many new students into the fold. My role: Art Director/Designer. Project created at Rusty George Creative.
Cutty Sark. I created some ad designs for a pitch. Check it out, we got the clipper ship in the first one. The other designs really connect with the younger and active lifestyle. My role: Designer. Project created at North End Creative.
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Dan Schlitzkus
Artist at Danny Schlitz Lake Tapps, WA