Problem Definition: There are currently no tensile testing devices available that can provide reliable and repeatable results when testing the connections of the human abdominal muscles. Design Objective: Develop a set up based on the geometries the human abdominal muscles to provide accurate repeatable results for researchers. Hard Requirements - Modular - Accommodate variety of setups - Simulate abdominal muscles - Repeatable and reliable results - Strong - Stiff - 10 tensile forces
Final Prototype - See Video of Working Prototype Here:
Main Findings Test One - Displacement of framework is acceptable and stable Test Two - Tissue tears in center and are therefore not affected by clamps - Clamps effective hold tissue without damage or displacement
Credit for this project also goes to my teammates at TU Delft: Marta Bariain, Andras Fuzy, Hanneke Hoogewerf & Johannes Luijten
Development of a Mechanical Measuring Device for Replicating Properties of the Abdominal Wall

My team worked to develop a set up based on the geometries the human abdominal muscles to provide accurate repeatable results for researchers testing the connections of the human abdominal muscles.

Ashley Waring
Industrial Design Engineer Bremen, Germany