This was an assignment for Sophomore Graphic Design Studio. We had to create a set of 5 dance icons representing five different styles of dance (ballet, modern, tap, jazz, and hiphop). We first drew 20 icons for each style (100) and then pulled out the ones with the most promised and used then for inspiration for complete sets. We created 10 sets and then picked the one with the most promise and further refined it to create the final.
This was an assignment for Sophomore Graphic Design Studio. We had to create a set of 5 dance icons representing five different styles of dance (ballet, modern, tap, jazz, and hiphop). We first drew 20 icons for each style (100) and then pulled out the ones with the most promised and used then for inspiration for complete sets. We created 10 sets and then picked the one with the most promise and further refined it to create the final.