This gif is a bit laggy I guess because the game have a lots of moving parts and have other gif inside, like the fire. This was my final game for the first year of Game Design course at UAL.
This is my 12 seconds challgenge physical game, still from the first year.
This is my 12 seconds challenge mental game, from the first year.
I'm not very good at drawing I would love to learn it more, meawhile I'm having fun making some animation of my scribbles.
I made my version of the Nian monster (from a Chinese legend) because I needed for a black and white game, which is still in developing, and we though that the design was perfect for our game.
Game Designer

My name is Arianna and I'm currently attending the second year of Game Design course at Univertisty Arts of London. I love making video games it's fun and full of imagination. Here there are some of my works and projects and with my classmates we are working on more games. I can't wait to learn more and make games my full time job for the future.

Arianna Soldano
Game Designer Londra, United Kingdom