Haunted wRECk Poster - This is a poster design I did for the Kent State Recreation center's annual Halloween event hosted for children in the community. I was given the body copy, but the design process was left open. I choose to create a simple illustration in Adobe Illustrator to grab the audience's attention. Since the event is directed at children, I found this to be the best approach.
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Paul Rand - Typography Exercise - This particular piece was done during my sophomore year. It is a very basic typography exploration. We were given the body copy and asked to design a layout that included all of the text and 1 of the given images. We were restricted on the number of typefaces and weights we could use. The problem was working through all of these restrictions while creating a layout that worked well and showed a since of hierarchy.
Dollar Bill Layout - This is the first page of a 3 part magazine layout project. This first page was to be a type only layout. The headline texture was done by hand. I printed the headline first and then destroyed it by crumbling it and attacking it with an eraser to convey the look of a dollar bill.
Tom Ford - Book Design - These are not the highest quality photos of this project. I do have a high quality pdf available upon request but the multiple page pdf is not supported by coroflot. This is an 8 spread book completely designed by me.
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Art Prize Promo Poster - This is a poster I created during my internship at Downtown Akron Partnership. The posters were hung up in local businesses downtown as well as kiosks to promote the fall event.
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Farmers Market Poster (1/3) - This is part of a series of posters I was playing around with for my internship at Downtown Akron Partnership. It was used for promoting the Farmers Market throughout downtown. This was the final poster chosen for marketing purposes.
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Farmers Market Poster (2/3) - This is part of a series of posters I was playing around with for my internship at Downtown Akron Partnership. It was going to be used for promoting the Farmers Market throughout downtown. Though this was not the final poster, I thought it was worth sharing. It mashes together the type heaviness of the other 2.
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Farmers Market Poster (3/3) - This is part of a series of posters I was playing around with for my internship at Downtown Akron Partnership. It was going to be used for promoting the Farmers Market throughout downtown. Though this was not the final poster, I thought it was worth sharing. It is very type heavy but it works.
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Design Examples
Ashley Falkowski
Current Shift Supervisor at Caribou Coffee Pittsburgh, PA