A plain lamp shade...now designed on a wildlife theme. What's unique in this is....during the day it is a zebra. At night...when you switch it on...its strong orange bulb turns the zebra into a tiger lampshade. Concept.yours truly.Art partner sid sap...a 2nd yr artschool student.jai hind.
Enter Your A tribute to APJ Kalam. Published in Jam- the college mag, and had gone viral on the net.
Art experiments

Merging a flat 2-d print, and then creating a collage out of newspaper cuttings- cuttings that all mentioned news of rape, molestation, sexual crimes etc.....and then, out came a lovely combination of 2d n 3d- a poster that was used to communicate angst against rapes happening all over. done with a young fresh team at lc media, this poster evoked hundreds of ppls comments/views/and also some anti- comments when it was used by a flash mob, which later converted into a rally. at new bombay. done and executed 2 weeks back. jai hind.

Ashish Vyas
Creative Director Mumbai, India