Local Identity for Monmouth, OR

This proposed local identity for Monmouth, a small college town in Oregon, is designed to draw in more people using a refreshed representation of the community. The use of a strong bold letter ‘M’ represents the community’s strong foundation. The earthy green, red, and brown tones speak not only of the landscape, trees and brick, but also of the feeling of the town, quaint and revitalized. The abstract cut out shapes contained within the letter ‘M’ stand for a variety of forms related to the surrounding landscape; leaves, petals, rain. The rotating slogan introduces potential opportunities to get the community involved, asking them to decide what word they think works best with their concept of the town. This modernized local identity for an old-fashioned town, project where Monmouth, and the people of Monmouth, are heading in the future.

Paige Asay
Graphic Designer Portland, OR