I wrote this book after one year of researching and studying the field of retail. I have actually used this process to generate my own retail concepts and know for a fact that this process surely works. I have written this book for an audience who has the basic knowledge of branding. I assume that they would have done a course on fundamental design elements, such as colour, typography, and graphics and can use software such as Adobe Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator. Since retail design is a part of branding I want my audience to know what is a brand, what are brand values, and brand image. Finally my audience should have worked on a few projects related to display and would have an idea about the entire process of drawing plans and 3D structures before actually designing a display.
The contents page enlists the 6 major steps that are used in designing a display right from the initial brief stage to the final concept presentation.
There are tables throughout the book that will give you the important tips and techniques that could be used at the various stages of development of the design and concept. I also have principle tables which list the important principles related to a particular subject.
Exploiting Retail Design Spaces to Promote your Brand

I am the author of this book which is a step-bystep guide for designing retail displays for brands. It takes you through the entire process of designing, right from the initial understanding and deconstruction of the brief, to creative thinking, and creative ideas and concepts, and finally to the final production and presentation. My book also gives an insight on how a brand is important for retail design.

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