VOICETONE (Motorola Wireless Design Competition) bronze medal - Hands free voice activated phone system with internet access, and is activated through voice commands. Ideal for individuals with limited motor skills or anyone who enjoy new gadgets.
Organic (Interactive Talking Book) - An Ideal for Kids and the blind. It's playfull design, organic features and smoothe curves creates a relationship between the user and the product. Flip open, place your hand in the center and engage yourself with a fun story telling machine.
Vibra System (GNYADA safety design competition) - Vibra System, Is laser sensors incorperated on the sides, front and back of a vehicle that forms a parameter laser detection-linked to a vibratable seat. This system alert drivers if there is an object or a car in the path while changing lanes or parking. It also alert drowsy drivers drifting off the road.
Low Voltage Toroidal Transformer Power Supply - (Surface mount) off the shelve Low voltage toriodal transformer unit. Simple design with simple solution to cost effective product.
Ecool (Honorable mention 2002 LG Electronics) - Having a cell phone as two rings is the most innovative and coolest idea ever. Stop pretending and start talking with Ecool.
College concepts

A few Ideations from college years.
Before there were wearable headset sunglass.
Concecptual listing device for the blind.
Vibration system from a car seat to wake sleeping drivers.
Wireless cellphones before they were made like apple ear pods.

Adrian Teschemaker
Industrial & Product Designer West Haven, CT