Ocelot Plush Design - I designed this 12" plush piece for "Big Cat Rescue". It usually takes several revisions to get a piece right. Copyright 2008 K & M International, Inc.
Frog Magnetic Playset - I was asked to do drawings of frogs and backgrounds for a magnetic playest. I did not color these images. Copyright 2008 K & M International, Inc.
Bilby Plush Design - I designed this Bilby plush piece for Australia. It was 12" and took several revisions to get to the final product. Copyright 2008 K & M International, Inc.
Sea Turtle Plush Design - This is a Sea Turtle Design that I did. I am really happy with the results. Copyright 2008 K & M International, Inc.
Toy Designs
J. Christopher Schmidt
Illustrator/ Designer/ Product Developer Brunswick, OH