The Bad Seed - This is an exaggerated portrait of musician Nick Cave. Drawn with Intuos 3 Wacom in PS 7.
In Memory of Jeff Buckley - This is a portrait of the late Jeff Buckley a Singer/Song Writer who drowned in 1997.
Chuck Liddell - A portrait of UFC light heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell. Drawn with Intuos 3 Wacom in PS 7.
Chip & Rita - A Christmas gift to Chip and Rita, my Father-in-Law and Step Mother-in-Law. Drawn with HB pencil.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers - First I drew all of the portraits with a pen. I scanned them in and put them all together in PS7. The top row is the Peppers from 1991 and the bottom row is them from 2001.
Void of Monsters - acrylic painting approx. 8" x 17"
Personal Works
J. Christopher Schmidt
Illustrator/ Designer/ Product Developer Brunswick, OH