CD design for "The Nipples" punk band - I designed this CD artwork for a punk band called "The Nipples". Drawn and colored with Intuos 3 Wacom in PS 7.
Book cover design for "Flipping The Temple" - I was contacted by Joshua Minton about doing this book cover in 2004. He wanted something graphic with an illustration feel. Done in PS 7.
Horror Convention brochure cover - This piece was done for "The Cinema Wasteland" Horror Convention show in Strongsville, OH. It was displayed on the cover of the brochure. Inked with a small brush & India ink.
High School Lunches - Drawn and inked by hand. Colored in PS 7 with Intuos 3 Wacom Tablet. Created for
Ours - I was commissioned to do this portrait of Jimmy Gnecco, the singer of the band Ours. The initial drawing was done with pen and ink and it was layed out and colored in PS.
Freelance Work
J. Christopher Schmidt
Illustrator/ Designer/ Product Developer Brunswick, OH