ardyansah[dot]com - my personal site (but soon will be changed because I plan to use wordpress engine for it)
iai (arsitek) jawa timur - official site of east java architect association you can find it on
fak.psikologi unair - un-official website of psychology department of airlangga university. this project was rejected as we couldn't find the agreement of the price. well I wouldn't insist :D
alumni its - official site for ITS-Surabaya alumni association. one of my pride :D you can find it the new fresh look on
kharisma karya persada - website profile for kharisma karya persada, hardscape and concrete wall specealized contractor. you can find it on
portrait studio_pre entrance page - photography studio based at klampis surabaya ... and this is the official site find it on
portrait studio_main page - photography studio based at klampis surabaya ... and this is the official site
tag_main page - tag is an interior workshop based in surabaya ... find it on
tag_sub page - tag is an interior workshop based in surabaya ...find it on
maliemploi - semacam website lowongan kerja gitu deh ... di mali sono ... gimana ngomong inggrisnya coba :D terkahir kali kesana desainnya dah diganti euy coba liat disini deh
christy01 - personal website for a local film director based at jakarta ... black, white, and simple find it on
christy02 - personal website for a local film director based at jakarta ... black, white, and simple find it on
website agip oil indonesia - web profile saja nothing special still in progress by now.
website agip oil indonesia - ini halaman isinya. the content page << kata orang bule ...still in progress by now
colors pub & resto site - rejected project but i love it. nevermind it's just a matter of taste :D
colors pub & resto site - rejected project but i love it. nevermind it's just a matter of taste :D
colors pub & resto site - rejected project but i love it. nevermind it's just a matter of taste :D
mantan kyai (xkh) - blog interfacing empowered by wordpress
trans surabaya - blog interfacing empowered by wordpress
web interfacing
Ardyan Sah
surabaya, Indonesia