D.N.A. Tower
This project called 'D.N.A. Tower', which means 'Design National Atlantic', was designed at the last year of the university, in 2009. It was the graduation final work. The lack of an architectural icon in the city of Santos was the first reason to create this monograph. The challenge was to define in which location the tower could be built. After several research, it was decided to construct into the ocean. The chosen terrain was the best area because would provide the entire view of the city. Another reason for the conception of this project was to improve the potential of this town that is known as a port city and which is the largest one in Latin America. The plan consists of: a marina for small and medium boats, an area for events, a park and a restaurant at the top of the tower. There is a free blank area, which was not built purposely, because would be used by great companies that could afford a project with this magnitude.