Paper - Human motion energy an available & efficient source of energy

Paper for FOSET 9th all India peoples' technology congress 2013
Topic: Human motion energy an available and efficient source of energy
Description: The world today, faces its biggest challenge in the form of energy scarcity. The energy use to run electrical appliances, vehicles, cooking etc. mainly (about 80%) comes from non-renewable sources of energy. Research worker says fossil fuel is going to be exhaust very soon. Other than non-renewable sources of energy, one also uses Renewable energy that comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. Author through this paper want to discuss and tries to conclude various ways for utilizing human energy which either being wasted in gym or store in body as fat to various useful purposes as an alternative but efficient source of energy.

Anup Kumar Prasad
Reasonable Architecture Kolkata, India