The Official Bird Watching Guide for Cats - This is the manual and kit that contains the Official Bird Watching Guide for Cats. The purpose of the book is to teach cats a more sophisticated approach to bird hunting.
The Official Bird Watching Kit for Cats - A closed shot of the kit. The kit includes: the manual, binoculars, bird seed bait, and the Catapult.
The Official Bird Watching Poster - A visual chart of animals found throughout the United States.
Manual Endpages
Table of Contents Page - Shows the four chapters that will change your life and send you on your way to becoming an ace bird watcher.
Introduction to the Guide - A description of what the manual entails. (No pun intended)
A page from the Habitat chapter - This spread talks about bird's habitats.
A page from the Habitat chapter - Illustrated examples of the bird's habitats.
The Food Chapter - This spread shows the Bird Food Pyramid (approved by the US Department of Felines.)
A Spread from the Food Chapter - This spread shows the taste chart and Milk pairing options that you have.
Purrrrfect Family Recipes - Several recipes to impress those pesky cat-in-laws.
Intro Opening
Chapter One Opening
Chapter Two Opening
Chapter Three Opening
Chapter Four Opening
Official Bird Watching Guide for Cats
Jamie Miller
Hello there! Philadelphia, PA