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After the master copy was ready, it was xeroxed for mass production
All the 20 comics having different styles were put in an anthology

The workshop was an introduction to the world of under-ground comics in which students learned to create and mass-produce comics using commonly available materials such as printer paper, pens ,black ink, whitner and xerox machines.
Everything is hand drawn and no digital medium, apart from the xerox machine, was used in creating the final comics.
The comics was set in the universe of an old Indian film, preferably black and white. They feature characters in films, an alternate take on the film or a story set within the film universe.
The faculty guides were Arjun Gupte and Sanjay Guria and the workshop was conducted over a period of 10 days in National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad.

This comic is my attempt to same. I took Hindi movie "the burning train" and manipulated the story . I hope you like it

In the end 20 comics were made and were published individually as well as in an complete anthology.

Anurag Arora
Updated portfolio on Bangalore, India