Copa FEMEXFUT (Soccer Cup) - Nueva copa para los ganadores de la 1era division del futbol mexicano. (1er equipo en recibirla = Santos) Concepto: Esta copa representa la magen idealizada de un Caballero Aguila, elite militar Azteca y parte de una casta privilegiada de soldados, cuyo deber consistia en destacarse en la guerra para obtener el alimento sagrado de los dioses. Equipo: Rodrigo Lepez + Alfonso Sotelo + Antonio Mancillas [Texto sin acentos]
Copa FEMEXFUT (Soccer Cup) - Nueva copa para los ganadores de la 1era division del futbol mexicano. (1er equipo en recibirla = Santos) Concepto: Esta copa representa la magen idealizada de un Caballero Aguila, elite militar Azteca y parte de una casta privilegiada de soldados, cuyo deber consistia en destacarse en la guerra para obtener el alimento sagrado de los dioses. Equipo: Rodrigo Lepez + Alfonso Sotelo + Antonio Mancillas [Texto sin acentos]
Nueva Copa FEMEXFUT - Este sera el trofeo para el campeon del futbol mexicano a entregarse el proximo 1 de junio. Espera el modelo y las medallas MUY PRONTO. Concepto: Esta copa representa la magen idealizada de un Caballero Aguila, elite militar Azteca y parte de una casta privilegiada de soldados, cuyo deber consistia en destacarse en la guerra para obtener el alimento sagrado de los dioses. Equipo: Rodrigo Lepez + Alfonso Sotelo + Antonio Mancillas [Texto sin acentos]
DAAC - Noise Protection & Communication System More Details Soon...
DAAC - Noise Protection & Communication System More Details Soon...
DAAC - Noise Protection & Communication System More Details Soon...
HyperSpace - November 2005 Oulun Yliopisto, Suomi University of Oulu, Finland
Mimbre - Mimbre (lamp) March 2004 The objective of this project was to propose a product (made with arts & crafts from the nearest towns from Querétaro) that suggests ideas of new objects that combines Mexican handcrafts and new design ideas. Just suggest ideas of handcrafts that could be commercialized on a wider perspective. Concept The creation of a luminous object (a lamp), that exposes the artisan material as the main value of the product. Made of mimbre and polished metal, the lamp consists on a simple mesh of material supported by a metal structure with a light bulb focused on the mimbre so it projects the silhouette of the material on the walls.
Lampara de LED's (PHILIPS)
Lampara de LED's (PHILIPS)
Trend disposable - Trend disposable September 2005 This project came to my mind when I was thinking on how to apply this environmental art (one of the topics on my Fine Arts class) to my career (industrial design) and It’s called “trend disposable”, its concept is an argument against fashionable objects that are made to be used during a short length of time and then they just become “old fashioned trash” or “unused objects”. My propose is to create a set of jewelry (necklace and earrings) than are made from the pinecones that falls down from the trees and the idea is that they will start opening, as a result the pieces will be changing their shape constantly (they’ll be unique and never the same) and they will last only for a couple of weeks then the user will be able to throw them to the yard without causing any pollution.
Nike PDA's - Feb 2006 ITESM CQ Mexico
Antonio Mancillas
Antonio Mancillas Queretaro, Mexico