picture source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ABEutZJ6iBU/Tw2Zro1fhlI/AAAAAAAABm4/wlxXKucOhDw/s1600/1130-60%2BEsculturas%2Bde%2BChartres%252C%2Bbliaut.jpg bliaut gironé In the early middle ages, the upper-class men and women wore bliaut gironé in the 12th century. The latter two garments clung to the body, with many vertical and horizontal folds. The laces of those garments sometimes fell open, revealing the bare flesh beneath. The bliaut gironé was made of costly silk fabrics such as satin or velvet, embroidered with gold thread, and decorated with precious stone.
HCIDVL Ch5 Early Middle Ages