HCIDVL Ch17 The New Look Fashion Conformity Prevails, 1947-1960
picture source:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d3/d2/64/d3d26408d792fe5ce82d253028f0a9fe.jpg
Anni Peng
Prof. Hollie Luttrell
HCIDVL Ch17 The New Look Fashion Conformity Prevails, 1947-1960
Lous reard desigen bikini. In the 1950s, American women wear one- or two- piece bathing suits that covered more of body. Women still continued to wear all in one swimwear in the 1950s, rarely wearing a daring two piece bikini.Each one of the late 1950's swimsuits above had detachable straps and almost very woman appears to be wearing what we would view as the equivalent of a beach corset!
HCIDVL Ch17 The New Look Fashion Conformity Prevails, 1947-1960