Picture source: 1)http://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ci/web-large/DP144193.jpg 2)http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DHppcbwl4aQ/UpKDO3VG22I/AAAAAAAACS4/vuivnlAcbvI/s1600/Lillian+Gish.jpg Anni Peng Prof. Hollie Luttrell HCIDVL Ch 15 The Edwardian Period and WWI and Ch 16 The 20's, 30's and WWII 1)The robe de style was characterised by its full skirts. The bodice could be fitted, or straight-cut in the chemise manner, with a dropped waist, but it was the full skirt that denoted the robe de style. Sometimes the fullness was supported with petticoats, panniers, or hoops. 2)The Delphos gown was a finely pleated silk dress first created in about 1907 by Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo and made until about 1950. It was inspired by, and named after, a classical Greek statue, the Charioteer of Delphi.
HCIDVL Ch 15 The Edwardian Period and WWI and Ch 16 The 20's, 30's and WWII