picture source:http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4-BORHqueHQ/Ush63tEpsmI/AAAAAAAAAMc/BwxoaVCjE5U/s1600/Brook+Taylor++c+1720+hans+hysing.jpg
HCIDVL Baroque & Rococo Ch10 --- Full-bottomed wig
Anni Peng
Prof. Hollie luttrell
In 1624 Louis XIII went prematurely bald. He disguised this with a wig and started a fashion which became almost universal for European upper; middle class men by the beginning of the 18th Century during his similarly follicley challenged son’s reign. Wigs were made of horsehair, yak hair and human hair, the latter being the most expensive. A man could outfit himself with a hat, coat, breeches, shirt, hose, and shoes for about what a wig would cost him. A wig also required constant care from a hairdresser for cleaning, curling, and powdering.