Picture source: 1)https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e0/1b/0d/e01b0df5c1f581a730f995a4764927e9.jpg 2)http://www.artfultailoring.com/uploads/7/6/1/9/76198211/587774.jpg?212 Anni Peng Prof. Hollie Luttrell Fashion Influence Ch17 The New Look---Era of the gray flannel suit Fashion 124 It's had huge change of "Era of the gray flannel suit" fashion influence today! For the top of picture, the man in the gray flannel suit is one of the enduring images of the 1950s. Such a man is conservative and loyal to the organization for which he works. He grasps his black or brown leather briefcase and nervously glances at his wristwatch as he stands on a commuter train platform. For the below of picture, the men wear close-fitting suit today. The suit with less padding in the shoulder. Also, It have different design of suit.
Fashion Influence Ch17 The New Look---gray flannel suit