Page 1 Words We'll Find
Wading Birds
Julian keeps time on The Penguins "Just the Tip of the Iceberg" - oil pastel
Balloon - oil pastel
Inari & Benson in the Snow - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Some things can't be Contained - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Father's Day - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Alberta and the Bunny - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Hot Air Balloon - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Christmas Birds - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
In the Meadow - a mix of oil pastels, collage, and digital enhancements
Christmas Carollers
Illustration - Traditional

Just a random of sampling of older traditional work, mostly for Greeting Cards

Annie Wilkinson
Illustrator Vancouver, BC