"Light" - 20 x 25cm/ mixed media: graphite pencil, coloured pencil, aquarelle/ Illustration for part of a book cover/ 2010
"Woman" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2010
"Bricks" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2010
"Fragment" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2009
"Cubistic" - A1/ mixed media: graphite pencil, coloured pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2009
"Woman with a side" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2009
"3 hands" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2009
"Woman looking into distance" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2009
"Lying woman" - A1/ charcoal/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2009
"Muscles" - A1/ graphite pencil/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2009
"Hanging" - A1/ mixed media: graphite pencil, coloured pencil, felt-tip pen, aquarelle/ 2009
"Nude croquise" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Udo Vool/ 2009
"Blue woman" - A1/ coloured chalk/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Portrait of a woman with glasses" - A2/ charcoal/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Lying man" - A1/ coloured pencil/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Half a skeleton" - A1/ charcoal/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Hands & trees" - A2/ mixed media: graphite pencil, aquarelle/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Man with a computer" - A1/ charcoal/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Photocamera" - A4/ charcoal/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2008
"Skeleton with blood circulation" - 1 x 2 m/ mixed media: graphite pencil, pastel crayons, coloured markers/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2007
"Feet" - A1/ coloured chalks/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2007
"Muscular head" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Aet Kingsepp/ 2007
"Still-life with shoes and a bag" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Kalli Kalde/ 2007
"Still-life with shiny kettle" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Kalli Kalde/ 2007
"Skull" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Angular head" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Robotnikov" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Eye" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Leaf" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Big hand" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Nose & mouth" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Tiina Unt/ 2007
"Vase" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Kalli Kalde/ 2006
"Shadows" - A3/ coal/ teacher Enn Tegova/ 2005
"The ballet shoe" - A2/ graphite pencil/ teacher Enn Tegova/ 2005
"Bust" - A3/ graphite pencil/ teacher Enn Tegova/ 2005
"Skull, glass, fanfare" - 42 x 59,4 cm/ graphite pencil/ teacher Enn Tegova/ 2005
"Vase with flowers" - A3/ pastel crayons/ teacher Siiri Tahnas/ 2004
Drawings - illustrations

My drawings made with different mediums and during my studies in different schools including individual works.