The client's face photoshopped into another photo - Most recent in a series of postcard showing Guide by Cell owner David Ashiem in unlikely settings to catch the eye of the recipient.
Photoshop - I created a mockup I could drop any company logo into to show several prospective sponsors what such a sign might look like in place. The sign itself is also my original design.
Targeted informational handouts - One in a series of industry targetd handouts illustrating marketing options for a Guide by Cell tour program.
Low cost brochure - The Milwaukee Public Museum needed an inexpensive, easy to reproduce brochure for their Guide by Cell tour. I created this one which could be printed or photocopied as needed, using a few graphics supplied by the client.
Outdoor Banner - The newly renovated California Academy of Sciences opened with long lines of eager visitors and they needed something to keep them busy.
Client support materials

My client, Guide by Cell, needed materials to promote the business, and materials for the clients to use when using the service.

Anne Anderson
Communications—Graphic Design & Writing Sacramento, CA