Course Project: New format libraries

Idea of the project : library as a unique public space does not fulfil its potential because of the changing living conditions of people in a modern information environment. Revision and broadening of its functions, space usage and offered services can change the image of the library in a developing and comfortable city.

The topic of my research project was a summer reading room (RR) in Central Park of Culture and Leisure in St-Petersburgh. In this park the RR appeared in summer 2012. In addition to direct function of library, throughout the season there were many master classes and activities. Nevertheless, the attendance of reading room was not so big as the sponsors expected.

After analyzing the current situation, I have proposed the idea of the space organizing for reading and recreation, additional features that might attract visitors of the park to RR. Since the RR works only in the summer, I offer the simple and fabricated temporary structures.

Anna Mishina
architect/ interior designer Санкт-Петербург, Russia