Smoosh - logo - type logo for Smoosh tagline - 'Keep the Zing to Yourself'
Logo - Burma (Myanmar) Cyclone benefit Concert - on May 2nd, a cyclone hit Burma, resulting in over 85,000 people dead and other tens of thousands missing. Human rights organizations in USA will organize a benefit concert for this cause, under the name "Unsung Heroes". This is the logo i made for this event. I used helvetica typeface and replaced the O with an illustration made after the actual picture of the cyclone.
Foster Communication LLC - logo for PR company.
self identity
artree - logo for non-profit organization whose main activity is placing art professionals in schools, for educational purposes.
Entropy Magazine - black on white banner / logo for science magazine. target audience - young people (18-30), who have science as a hobby. -banner has possibility to change look with every issue, by replacing the solar eclipse O with planets, atoms, etc.
Entropy Magazine - white on black banner / logo for science magazine. target audience - young people (18-30), who have science as a hobby. -banner has possibility to change look with every issue, by replacing the solar eclipse O with planets, atoms, etc.
Smoosh (Fruit Drink) - logo for Smoosh - natural healthy fruit drink, that is so good that when you taste it you turn into a selfish 'little monster' and don't want to share it with anyone.
Anca Albu
London, United Kingdom