Product Hero Shot
Ideation Sketches
Ideation Sketches
Ideation Sketches
Refinement Sketches
Design Control Drawing Set & Preliminary Industrial Design CAD data
Selected GUI/Soft-Key Interface Design
Design Control Drawing Set
Results of Design for Manufacture (DFM) - Pilot Run/Pre-Production.
First Article ovens "HOT" off the assembly line.
TurboChef - Product Specifications & Features
Product Hero Shots
TurboChef Starbucks Oven

Commercial Oven - The award winning TurboChef "Sota & Panini" is the first Rapid Cook Convection Microwave Oven for the commercial bistro food industry - The "Sota & Panini" convection microwave uses TurboChef's patented technology to rapidly cook food without compromising quality, the NGO provides superior cooking performance while requiring less space and consuming less energy.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Angelo Carpinelli
Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA