International Festival of Arts & Ideas (Cover) - The concept for this brochure was to create an ambient environment for festival elements to live in that represent the melding, community, and excitement which forms when collections of people share, learn and explore ideas together through dialogue. This festival unites theater, music, dance, ideas, explorations, visual arts, spoken word and film with the intention to blur the line between each genre. (Original photography <textures>, photoshop treatments <event images>)
International Festival of Arts & Ideas (introduction) - The concept for this brochure was to create an ambient environment for festival elements to live in to represent the melding, community, and excitement which forms when collections of people share, learn and explore ideas together through dialogue. This festival unites theater, music, dance, ideas, explorations, visual arts, spoken word and film with the intention to blur &#8232;the line between each genre. (Original photography <textures>, photoshop treatments <event images>)
Arts & Ideas (sample spread with event highlight) - The concept for this brochure was to create an ambient environment for festival elements to live in to represent the melding, community, and excitement which forms when collections of people share, learn and explore ideas together through dialogue. This festival unites theater, music, dance, ideas, explorations, visual arts, spoken word and film with the intention to blur &#8232;the line between each genre. (Original photography <textures>, photoshop treatments <event images>)
Arts & Ideas (sample spread) - The concept for this brochure was to create an ambient environment for festival elements to live in to represent the melding, community, and excitement which forms when collections of people share, learn and explore ideas together through dialogue. This festival unites theater, music, dance, ideas, explorations, visual arts, spoken word and film with the intention to blur &#8232;the line between each genre. (Original photography <textures>, photoshop treatments <event images>)
International Festival of Arts & Ideas - A "day by day" calendar of events for the festival. The page easily tears out and folds neatly to fit in credit card slots of the wallet, perforated edges also make it possible to rip out only select event days. // This festival unites theater, music, dance, ideas, explorations, visual arts, spoken word and film with the intention to blur 
the line between each genre. (Original photography <textures>, photoshop treatments <event images>)
Arts & Ideas brochure