Bag Snatcher - Acrylic, aerosol, gloss paint on canvas 120cm x 220cm. This painting is about the trouble in our inner cities. Asbo kids and stolen cars, Super hero's trying to save our city from destruction, war and crime.
Seize Lakeside in Kent - Seize graffiti in Kent. This piece of work is experimenting with new colours and practising new skills.
WAR GAMES PART 2 - Shoreditch London, 'WAR GAMES' was stolen after 2 days.) . Aerosol on plyboard 183cm x 366cm 2008 This painting has Mickey in a City with hot rod cars, rockets and chaos. The picture has a fluorescent orange background with green chemical splatter on Mickey's face.
Seize Graphics - Seize graphics have been used in print for clothing, packaging and posters.
KREW JAM takes place once a year in Ladbroke grove, London. This design was sketched in pencil and then coloured up using illustrator and photoshop cad packages.The brief was to design and create a character to represent the BBoys that battle with dance moves and compete for prizes.
Andy Seize
Artist / Graphic designer London, United Kingdom