The University of Montana Forestry Department needed a forest model with two types of trees, fir and ponderosa, logs, snags and shrubs in various sizes. All 150 pieces needed to fit securely on a one meter square platform with infinite positioning capabilities. This image is a render of the CAD models created for the product.
To provide secure placement on the platform, a steel "forest floor" surface was employed and magnets were attached in the bottom of the printed plants.
A digital mock up of the entire forest assembly was created in Solidworks to make sure everything would fit correctly on the steel platform. Render courtesy of Ben Malouf.
First print of the ponderosa tree model.
After printing and acetone vapor polish, the forest was ready for the classroom. Photo courtesy of Ben Malouf.
3D Printed forest in use during a Forestry lecture with Professor Andrew Larson. Photo courtesy of Todd Goodrich.
3D Printed Forest

This 3D printed forest is an educational tool commissioned by the Forestry Department at the University of Montana. It was printed in ABS with a Helix 3D Printer and treated with acetone vapor for polishing. Project role : CAD designer, material source coordinator, 3D print operator, print polishing + assembly. [September 2013]