Testing Project - Melting Internal wiring on boiler unit

The service department was getting a lot of returned boiler units from customers due to power cut outs. The issue was handed to myself to investigate. I found that 2 of the wires leading from the on/off switch were bent 90° to the boiler. This created a concentrated point on the wire which was susceptible to heat build up as it was in close proximity to the heating element. The result was after a duration of use the wire melted and power was lost to the unit. To stop this, it was suggested using 90° flag terminals to prevent the bend in the wire. The prototype unit was then put on a continuing cycle to see how long if at all the wires took to fail. The wires did not fail so the change was implemented to all current and future designs.

Andrew Holmes
Product Design Engineer and Design Draughtsman Arborfield, United Kingdom