A brief analysis of the Aim of the project and an overview of the current market landscape.
The new product had to compete directly with a competitors so both were compared on features.
Initial concepts were developed to show to the team varies styles that could be adopted. A favorite or a direction could then be chosen and a final product developed.
In order to develop a symmetrical moulding, internal rib details need to be considered.
From the concepts, a final shape was chosen and developed further.
Some CAD models were created to give an indication of size and shape in comparison to out current unit.
The design was submitted to the management team, and Lowes for consideration.
Product Design Project - HV1902 Re-Skin

Earlex supply the HV1900 unit to various DIY stores in the US. Lowes, one of Earlex's largest customers has requested we give the HV1900 a re-design and exclusivity to the product, so that the version they stock is different to competitors.

The internal components of the product were to remain the same, however the motor of the unit had to be rotated 90° to allow for better airflow through the product.

Andrew Holmes
Product Design Engineer and Design Draughtsman Arborfield, United Kingdom