Pan-Oval Bicycle Panniers Logo - The primary focus of this project was to explore colors, materials and finishes, in developing a design for hard-sided bicycle panniers that can be used to transport a laptop, groceries or other miscellaneous items.
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Concept Sketches - With these initial concepts, I attempted to explore formations that challenge what a hard sided pannier has to look like.
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Refinement Sketches of Two Concepts - These two concepts were peer selected for refinement and rough modeling. The top concept was influenced by the extruded oval shape of a car muffler. I thought it would be a bit ironic--considering the current car vs. bike rivalry--for a bicycle to wear something that looks like it should be on a motor vehicle. The bottom concept is meant to fold up like an accordion, for space saving, when not in use.
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Color Study and Material Selection Details - (See Image)
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Orthographics and Detail Drawing - Each end cap can be removed by gripping and pulling the lip of the cap's rim. The Larger containers are secured by two carabiner clips and a belt strap. The smaller container is held on by the main strap that hooks to the outer bumpers of the larger containers.
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Full Scale Model - This is how the panniers would look on a dreary day in Portland.
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Pan-Oval Bicycle Panniers
Andrew Templeman
Industrial Designer Sacramento, CA