MindWare March 2005--cover - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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MindWare March 2005--internal spread - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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MindWare January 2005--cover - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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MindWare January 2005--internal spread - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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MindWare October 2004--cover - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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MindWare October 2004--internal spread - Catalog consists of educational toys for children to young adults. Design and production of cover and internals.
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2004-2005 Omega Studios-RR Donnelley

From the Spring of 2004 to the Fall of 2005, I freelanced at Omega Studios, owned by RR Donnelley based in Elgin, IL. I was brought on mainly to do design and layout for a quarterly children's educational toy catalog called MindWare. I handled full production and did some direction of photography as well.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Andrew Sardina
Graphic Designer Lisle, IL