Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazne - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine - Independant free press, content created by community members of Cincinnati: artists, writers, designs, etc. The logotype loses a letter each issue until the logo embodies the name, thus allowing the communtiy to individually come up with their own name for the zine.
Blank Magazine
Andrew Nilsen
Designer / Design Educator Norcal / Bay Area, CA