Buried Treasure - This is a rack card I created for the Buried Treasure promotion. I created the logo and the overall look.
Cornerstone - Flyer designed for Cornerstone Christian Church.
Herrera and Associates - Trade Show graphics designed for Herrera and Associates.
Zippyjobs - Designed Zippyjobs banner for a tradeshow.
Association of Moroccan Professional in America - Designed AMPA banner for a tradeshow.
Cornerstone Christian Flyer - This flyer was designed for Cornerstone Christian Church. I wanted to keep the same color scheme as the previous flyer and make the typography stand out as well. I also wanted to make the flyer convey a clean/classic type feel.
Avangelis EP - Created CD artwork for hip hop artist Avangelis.
Foundation Health and Performance Postcard - Designed postcard for Foundation Health and Performance.
Andrew Balisacan
Graphic Designer Vista, CA