Ah Tuan Ee's Identity Concept

BatikRaddin OnlineShop Identity - An identity design for an online "maduranese" batik, called Batik Raddin.

Wedding Invitation Lovemark - A lovemark that consisted of 2 birds when combine become 1 heart. Made for a friend wedding invitation. This lovemark also can be viewed in logorevue.sk.

Tapestrix Identity

Tapestrix Identity - Tapestrix is a customizable social media platform for business.

Insideout poster - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Insideout signage - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Insideout Tee Design - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Nueviet Identity - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Nueviet Identity - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Nueviet Identity - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Nueviet Alternate Identity - Nueviet alternative identity for a new Vietnamese Restaurant in Melbourne

Outscape Identity - An identity concept for Outscape, Expedition Gear Company. OutScape is short for Outdoor Escape.

Outscape Identity - Swinburne University Project
Branding Design

Neuviet Identity - Neuviet Identity Concept variants. I did nearly 40 variants and specified them into 3 main concepts.

Will web design - A photographer branding concept design

Will web design - A photographer branding concept design

Will branding - A photographer branding concept design

Investavaganza 2012

investavaganza 2012