A brief from Ovaltine to re-design the UHT milk packaging. I used orange colour as the background colour with a dynamic illustration of a glass of chocolate milk for the packaging. There are 3 SKU’s : 125ml, 200ml, and 1L.
This is the design for Big Babol Mooonster packaging. The concept is colour tongue candy. I created 3 different kind of monsters, to represent the colour of the candy, which are green, blue, and purple black colour. Green is the silly monster, Blue is the smart one, and Purple is the hero of them all. Each pack has a different design, to show the interaction of two of the monster.
Another packaging brief given by Alpenliebe, to design a festive pack for assorted candy. The concept is “Lebaran”, because it will be launch on Idul Fitri. I came up with a dominant colour of green, to represent the Lebaran, and a touch of Islamic symbols an patterns. I gave windows on the side of the pack, so we can see through inside the pack that contains 4 different flavours of Alpenliebe, with 4 different colors.
A simple brief given by Evian, which is to design a Sales Kit for their internal. The packaging contains Evian Issey Miyake bottle, a pen and usb driver. I designed this with a simple layout using Evian logo and their beautiful Issey Miyake elements.

This is my portfolios of packaging design. From FMCG, F&B to sample products.

Andre Nyotowijoyo
Art Director Jakarta, Indonesia