Development sketches - Alias/ sketches
As the form is to a large extent resolved, the concept moves on to the Alias faze. As all details are not resolved yet, there is a lot of sketching and finalizing on detail level.

Development sketches - Sketch up models
In order to get a better understanding of what is actually moving where a function mock up was quickly made and investigated.
 In order to get better understanding about how the volumes and shapes sketched upon earlier a clay model is made parallel to the sketch up model.

In action - In forestry, as in other industries, there is an evolution from manual to mechanized labor and further on to automation.
Autonomous forestry machines means, apart from the obviously lowered working costs, lower fuel consumption, easier logistics, less damage to the ground since a machine without a cabin can be reduced in size.
The Wild-hog is a fully automated thinning and biomass harvester concept thought of for the year 2017.

One of the key advantages of making an unmanned forest machine is that size can be reduced.
A reduced size and weight has as number of advantages, such as lower fuel consumtion, easier logistics and less damages to the ground.
