Chloe Photoshoot - Art director and stylist for photoshoot designed to recreate Chloe's Spring/Summer 2007 Ads
Spring 2010
Left Model:
Jumpsuit: vintage
Shoes: Chinese Laundry
Right Model:
Top: vintage
Skirt; H&M
Shoes: model's own

Chloe Photoshoot - Art director and stylist for photoshoot designed to recreate Chloe's Spring/Summer 2007 Ads
Spring 2010
Left Model:
Shoes: model's own
Sunglasses: H&M
Bracelets: vintage
Right Model:
Dress: H&M
Shoes: Chinese Laundry

Carolina Perfume - Redesigned the look of Carolina perfume
Magazine ad
Adobe Photoshop
Spring 2010

Carolina Perfume - Redesigned the look of Carolina perfume
Direct Mail/Email Promotion
Adobe Photoshop
Spring 2010

Carolina Perfume - Redesigned the look of Carolina perfume
Bottle design (poster for perfume counter)
Adobe Photoshop
Spring 2010