Stool for Madeindreams, a one day project, 2012

Wood for me is the most beautiful material, and i feel every designer should have the experience to let go of the very-popular plastic and get a hands-on experience with this baby of mother nature.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and that's exactly what happened. We needed a seating arrangement for an event at our studio and we had at our disposal a log of wood that had to be discarded.
This for me seemed a utter waste, and so we decided to get toghether and turn the log in to pure, simple, and comfortable seats.

We chopped the log into 9 equal pieces, with an inclination that would provide a comfortable seating for people of all statures, we then pealed off the bark and gave each piece the smoothest finishing possible.

The outcome of this process was so fullfilling and was appreciated by all our guests that night.

Simplicity is the highest level of sofisticastion.

Project for Madeindreams

Andrea Grecucci
Product Designer presso Madeindreams Milano, Italy