Cloth Study at Pratt Institute - My professor gave us a cloth to sketch and observe the lines that exists when attempting to sketch any kind of material.
GQ Magazine Cover - I attempted to create a sense of what it would feel like to have my face on the cover or a magazine.
Fireproof Advertisement - I have clients in Michigan that are in the music industry and currently shopping for a good record deal. I am responsible for all of their design and marketing materials.
Golf Media Kit Cover - I worked as a Volunteer Freelance Designer Last year with Bethany Baptist Church in Lindenwold, NJ. This is the cover of the media kit, that was to be sent to companies to solicit sponsorship for their 1st Golf Tournament which was to benefit the youth groups in the church.
Advertisement - This is what an advertisement for my future company's design festival would look like.
Da Book Magazine Advertisement - I created this as one of the Senior Designers on the Da Book Magazine project. I had a lot of fun with this ad. Referencing hair ad from different magazine and then coming up with my own version.
Rashad Baker Foundation (NFL) - I had the priviledge creating this brochure for Rashad Baker of the Buffalo Bills, who started his own foundation in the community where he was raised.
This is a Postcard Advertisement collateral for a music concert at a local Brooklyn restaurant.
This is a comp presented to MTV for a pilot project that would showcase caribbean music all of the time.
Advertisement for a conference in Miami.
Magazine Advertisement
Balance Magazine Layout Comp
Design Examples
Richard Harris
Graphic Designer Rosedale, NY