Concept sketches I made to generate some layout ideas, page 1.
Concept sketches I made to generate some layout ideas, page 2.
Some very rough concepts that I created from the ideas I had in sketching. These were discussed with the client to determine what direction to take some more finished ideas. Page 1.
Rough concepts, page 2.
Rough concepts, page 3.
Sketch illustrations, page 2.
Some sketch illustrations I made for the customer...he wanted to supplement the photos with something that had more of an "art" feel. Later, these were duplicated in ink as line-only drawings and one was used on the back side of the card. Page 1.
Sketch illustrations, page 3.
Ink line drawings, page 2.
The ink line drawings of the previous sketches, page 1.
Ink line drawings, page 3.
A more finished concept I made using the train sketches. Also, the first iterations of the "debris examples" that were used on the final version appear.
The back side of the previous "more finished" concept.
The front side of the finished postcard.
The back side of the finished postcard.
Marketing mailer for Doerr Transit Products

I was working with a Pittsburgh, PA manufacturer of specialty LRV accessories, to create a postcard that could be mailed to municipal transit agencies around the country. The postcard was intended to illustrate a plow accessory and provide contact information. This project was completed in 2009.