Love Yourself

Many students at this age go through a period of time where we tend to focus on other things, like grades and boys or girls, and our self image. We question our meaning on this earth, what are we really here for? Am I really supposed to even be alive? I'm an accident, I'm not worth it, I should just leave everybody alone. I think everyone goes through that phase, even the happiest people out there. Insecurities and bullies and grades can really lead to a bad state of mind, and it can stress kids out which will then lead to depression. And nobody wants that for anyone, at least I hope not. So I decided to create a design to inspire others to learn to love themselves and not be so down on their being. As Justin Bieber says, "You should go and love yourself." (I know I've mentioned him a couple times, but no, I'm not much of a fan, I just think he makes a good example.)

Anastasia Kusbit
Graphic Art & Design Portfolio Dallas, TX